Finally! We proudly present our first gameplay demo. You can play the first level using keyboard and mouse or the XBox controller and you can compete for the highscores. This is of course not the final version, so the graphics and gameplay may change, we hope to get some feedback (mostly on things that are terrible), so we can improve the game.
You can download the demo (62MB) here:
We were stupid enough to upgrade to the new version of Unity a few days before, so now we have to live with some occurences of strage GUI behaviour.
As you can see above, we also added some rain, the more the player gets hurt, the more rain pours down on him (yeah, we are evil…). What we also did, was adding some dirt to the level to make it look more alive. If you have any other ideas how to make it less “clean”, please drop us a line! We appreciate it.
We also decided to ditch a few animations, for example the starting and stopping of the running character. It really looks much cooler having them in, but the movement was slower and had too much inertia. Getting away from zombies was sometimes painfull…
Please enjoy the demo version and let us know what you think!