Learning project for the Asset Store

This summer, I decided to hone my Unity skills and make some smaller projects first. I was aiming at remaking games I liked in my Amiga days. That way, I could focus on the technical aspect and not so much on the design. My goal was to make 10 games in 10 weeks and put them into one project. That was really ambitious and one could assume I did learn nothing from making the escape room. But I wanted only to implement the central game mechanic and move on. But… I can’t let a game simmer unfinished so I added more features and some nicer art…

So in the end I decided to concentrate on just three games but be really true to the original to push myself to face uncharted waters. It turned out well and I learned very much so I decided to share those projects including every asset and code. For that reason, I am aiming to publish it at the Unity Asset Store. Right now I am waiting for the green light to do so.

The project will be covered in depth by various video tutorials which I need to record as well. Much work lies ahead but I hope it will help other devs who are making their first and second steps.

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